The truck I want doesn’t exist …so I’m making it! 🛻⚡️

And I think you'll want one too

I need your support

I want a truck that is…


But like, actually small. Not just small by modern American standards because the Overton window of truck sizes has migrated so big that people actually call an Ford F-150 a small truck. (roll my eyes)

Small like VW Beetle / Smart Car / Mini Cooper small. Actually small.


EV is the very near future. In many ways, it’s already the present. I’ve been driving a 2019 Volkswagen e-Golf for a year. I never want to own a gas internal combustion (IC) vehicle again. IC vehicle are messy, loud, fluid-y for the driver and owner. They’ve got range, obviously. But at what cost, my friend? At what cost!?


Have you seen trucks in the past couple decades? Yuck. Give me a Volkswagen Vanagon, Volvo 240 wagon, Porsche 911 any day. Something that when people look at it, they think that’s cute, not fragile masculinity. More beep beep, and less vroom vroom rolling coal.


It’s absurd to me that we live in a society that thinks loud cars and trucks are cool. Nothing else in our lives do we value loudness in a thing. Except for things whose purpose is to make noise: stereos, guitar amps, etc.

Everything else, we value quietness. Dishwasher, laundry, vacuum, TV, power tools, garage door opener, doors just regular doors… if anything can make less sound, we rightfully believe that that quietness make the thing a better version of itself.

But with cars and trucks, some people think that loud is cool. I am not those people. To me, loud is very not cool.

Why I want a truck to…

I want a truck to haul a loveseat from a yard sale, help a friend move, haul sheet goods from the hardware store, take construction debris to the dump, transport a guerrilla art project to a secret location.

I want a truck that is small and nimble, that can handle city streets and tight parking, can go onto and squeak between narrow gaps on under developed paths.

I want a truck that I can lay down in the truck bed and look up at the stars on a warm summer night away from the city light pollution.

I want a truck for utility, errands, romance, and misadventure.

I’m making a truck because…

In the United States, trucks are…

  • too big
  • too loud
  • inefficient
  • bad at hauling
  • bad at off roading
  • unsafe for everyone else

The truck I want is small, quiet, electric, capable of hauling stuff, good at getting into places… both in the city and off road.

No company is making that truck. So, I’m making it for myself. By converting 1990s Japanese mini-trucks into electric vehicles (EV).

Drive small.